Ofsted Rated
100% pass rate for SATs exams 2023/2024
OPEN DAYS! 4th, 6th, 26th and 28th November 2024 from 4.30 - 6pm. Come along and have a look at what we can offer.
Fees paid annually in advance by no later than the 1st September, receive a 5% discount (only applicable for a full academic year-September to July). Please note the 5% discount is reflected in the annual fees listed.
Sibling discounts are available - please enquire. Please note you can only use one discount (either annual or sibling)
No discount is applied for Kindergarten children (annual or sibling)
Fees paid by the term are due no later than the first day of commencement of that term. If they are not paid by half term an interest charge will be added.
Prolonged non-payments will result in the suspension or withdrawal of a pupil's place. Please be aware at this point fees are still due.
Payment may be made via a standing order over 10 months (September to June). Such payments should be made by the first of each month and should always be a full month in advance. If they are not paid on time an interest charge will be added.
Parents are reminded that they have signed an agreement to give a full term's notice, to the headmistress in writing, of the withdrawal of a pupil from the school or pay a terms fees in lieu of notice. If fees are not paid by the due date, we will add an additional rate per month thereafter.