Ofsted Rated
100% pass rate for SATs exams 2023/2024
OPEN DAYS! 4th, 6th, 26th and 28th November 2024 from 4.30 - 6pm. Come along and have a look at what we can offer.
Green Meadow Independent Primary School is a registered provider of Early Years Education. Funding is made available to the school for a minimum of 15 hours per week for all pupils up to the age of 5 years old. Funding will become available for some parents of children aged 3-5 for a maximum of 30 hours, though there are terms and condition which have to be adhered to. Therefore please be aware that not all children are entitled to the full funding. The following fee structure shows how we reduce your child’s fees.
Please note that this fee schedule is fully inclusive of the following :
Tuition fees
Text books/stationary and sports fees
School lunches (freshly cooked on the premises)
School healthy snack (included in fees for all key stages)
School opening times Reception & Key stage 1 (38 weeks a year)
School opening times Key stage 2 (38 weeks a year)
Extras are as follows :
Breakfast club from 7.15am-8.45am including breakfast
Extra-curricular activities 4.00pm -4.45pm (prices vary, see each half term letter) Must be pre booked and paid for in full, in advance,
After school club at Jolly Steppers 4.00pm-6.30pm including hot meal
Holiday club from 7.30am-6.30pm including breakfast, lunch and dinner
School trips
Swimming costs - £9.00 pre week (Prep 3 and 4)
Here is an example of one of our five week rotational menus, though please note that this could change due to individual allergies.